Residential neighborhoods have many potential hazards you need to look out for including, dogs, cats, kids, parked cars and, of course, other moving vehicles.  Here are a few tips to keep in mind when driving in residential areas:


1. Speed: Proper speed control in residential areas (or in any area) is extremely important for safe driving.  The rule for a beginner is to maintain a speed of three to five miles under the posted speed limit (of course the universal rule is to always drive the “conditions”).  This precaution prevents you from inadvertent acceleration that would put you over the speed limit and into a potentially hazardous situation.


2. Cover The Brake: It’s important to cover your brake when needed while driving in residential areas in case something quickly appears in the roadway such as a child playing, animals in the street, etc. Always scan the area for these things.


3. Check Mirrors: Check your mirrors every 5-10 seconds and after every maneuver to make sure you know what is around you. Never take your eyes off the roadway for more than one second at a time.


4. Distractions: Never use your phone at any time when you are driving! NEVER!