The most complete book on defensive driving

Bill Kennedy Presents
A comprehensive guide that covers a full range of proactive, accident prevention techniques and life-saving driving skills
Driving a vehicle is very serious business. Thus, after a person has obtained their driver’s license and has some experience driving, the next logical step in the learning progression is to become an accomplished defensive driver. This should be a goal not only for the novice driver, but for experienced drivers as well.
This 50 plus page training manual is easy to understand and was written for drivers of all ages and skill levels. It can assist any driver with a lifetime of “accident-free” driving skills. In order to develop into a consistently proactive defensive driver, just read each chapter and continually practice the advanced defensive driving philosophies.
By conscientiously studying and practicing these techniques, skills and maneuvers, it will allow a driver to incorporate each aspect into their daily driving habits. Thus, creating the potential for a life-long, safe and successful driver.
Table of Contents
- I. Expect the Unexpected – Defensive Driving Definition
- II. Three-Step Formula to Defensive Driving
- III. Vision – In All Situations
- IV. Space & Speed Skills to Avoid a Crash
- V. Situation, Environment & Proper Driving Communication
- VI. Adverse Conditions
- VII. Avoiding a Skid
- VIII. Skid Control Maneuvers
- IX. Off-Road Recovery Skills
- X. Distractions That Need to be Avoided
- XI. Avoiding a Head-On and Side Crash
- XII. How Alcohol Can Affect Driving
- XIV. Conclusion
Bill Kennedy has spent most of his life in Topeka, Kansas. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education from Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas and earned his Master’s Degree in Education from Washburn University in Topeka. Bill has been a teacher and coach for over 30 years. He is owner of the largest driving school in the state of Kansas serving over 30,000 students since 1994.
Bill has always enjoyed teaching as a profession and feels that it is very important to work with beginning and experienced drivers in improving their abilities to drive safely. This process should be ongoing throughout a person’s driving career.
How to order
Call 785-272-1961 or send $39.95 (includes S&H) with return address to:
Topeka Driving School
3641 SW Plass Ste D
Topeka, KS 66611-2588